Everything is figureoutable. There is no problem in your life, big or small, that can’t be figured out. Marie Forleo wants you to adopt this philosophy, run with it, and see how it changes every aspect of your life. Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of B-School, the online course for entrepreneurs, helping more than 50,000 students create and expand their businesses. Everything is Figureoutable is not about quick fixes, but rather transforming your mindset to embrace this one simple truth: everything is figureoutable. From fixing your washing machine to fixing your marriage, there isn’t a goal or problem in your life that cannot be figured out. Forleo writes,

“Rule 1. All problems (or dreams) are figureoutable. Rule 2. If a problem is not figureoutable, it’s not really a problem—it’s a fact of life or law of nature (e.g., death or gravity). Rule 3. You may not care enough to figure this problem out or achieve this particular dream. That’s okay. Find another problem or dream that ignites a blazing fire in your heart and go back to Rule 1.”

Photo of Emily

We Choose How We Spend Our Time

In chapter 4, Forleo writes about eliminating excuses and overcoming our perceived limitations, a common one being, “I don’t have enough time”. Forleo encourages readers to own their choices and take responsibility for how they choose to spend their time. Many of us feel like our time is allotted for us, out of our control. But Forleo encourages readers to remember that everything we do is our choice, even things that may feel out of our control, like family obligations or social pressures. Forleo writes about our ideas of limited time like this,

“You might say, ‘This is ridiculous, Marie. I have to pay taxes, otherwise the IRS will find me and cart my ass off to jail!’ Or, ‘I have to give the kids a bath, otherwise they’ll turn into little spaghetti-crusted zombies.’ Or, ‘I have to go to work, otherwise I’ll get fired and lose my house.’ You’re right. There are consequences for not paying your taxes, not bathing your kids, and not showing up for work. But consequences don’t negate the fact that you’re still making the choice. You’re making these choices because they matter to you. And that’s the point: You make time for what matters most.”

Photo of Emily

Mind the Gap

For me, the most impactful point Forleo makes is to “mind the gap”. She is referring to the gap between our taste and our skill set, our ambition and our ability. Every creator goes through an important phase where they can envision something to create, but do not yet have the mastery of the required skill set in order to bring their vision to fruition. You know what you want your work to be, but the quality just isn’t meeting your vision. It’s in this phase where many creatives get discouraged and quit. It’s important to be aware of this gap, so that you can push through the sometimes painful dissatisfaction that comes with the gap, continue to hone your skill set, and close the gap over time. Forleo encourages readers to pursue progress, not perfection. This idea of minding the gap is best explained by the host and producer, Ira Glass. Here’s a video where he explains the importance of understanding the gap and persisting in your creative work.

The most powerful parts of this book are the many testimonies of the figureoutable philosophy working in Forleo’s life and the lives of her students. Forleo is fiery. She makes it clear to readers early on that if they are offended by strong language, this probably isn’t the book for them. I appreciated her honest and relatable approach to life and its difficulties. If you like a book with a lot of inspirational content as well as clear, actionable advice, Everything is Figureoutable is for you.

Photos by Kara Buse.

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This website contains posts with affiliate links, meaning that I receive a small commission if you purchase a book I’ve linked— at no extra cost to you. I’ll always be upfront with you when a post is sponsored or a book is gifted. All books I recommend are books I actually read and enjoyed.
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